Todd Jones


Chief Investment Officer (Gratus)

Todd Jones
Todd Jones

Professional Certifications

  • MBA – Master of Business Administration
  • CAIA® – Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst®

About Todd

Todd’s primary role is leading and overseeing the investment platform, which encompasses strategies in equities, fixed income, derivatives, and alternative assets (both liquid and illiquid). In addition to this, Todd leads the Investment Committee (IC), is a member of the Alternative Investment Committee (AIC) and is portfolio manager for the firm’s private growth strategy, Trailhead Growth LP.

Todd is the host of two podcasts, Two Minutes with Todd Jones and Behind the Spreadsheet, and has made numerous media appearances, including quotes in The Wall Street Journal, CNN Business, Yahoo Finance, and guest speaking appearances on Schwab Network’s Morning Trade Live.

Todd lives in Decatur with his wife and three sons. He enjoys fishing, soccer, hiking, and coaching his sons in various sports. He is involved in the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) and Disabled American Veterans Association (DAV).