Wellesley - Worcester St

Fred Baird

Senior Wealth Advisor

93 Worcester St
Wellesley, MA 02481

Fred Baird
Fred Baird

About Fred

Fred is a Managing Director, Principal, and a Senior Wealth Advisor with Focus Partners. He works closely with clients on all aspects of wealth management, particularly focusing on investment strategies and estate planning. Prior to joining Focus Partners, Fred was a Principal with Aurora Financial Advisors and was responsible for coordinating the firm’s investment strategies and the overall asset management for the firm.

Originally from New Zealand, Fred began his career as a Professor of Economics and Operations Research at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand. He then became a management, economic and financial consultant for a series of international consulting firms beginning with Ernst & Young and most recently with CRA International. For the last ten years, he has designed investment strategies based on economic and financial theory that are designed to meet individual investor’s goals while respecting their tolerance for risk. From the University of Canterbury, Fred has a Bachelor of Science in Economics and Operations Research and a Master of Science in Economics.