Our relationship with Michael Kitces

Our relationship with Michael Kitces.

At Focus Partners, we believe that a whole is greater than the sum of its parts. We believe it’s our duty to share our collective wisdom. And above all else, we believe in following evidence over intuition.

Over the years, we’ve partnered with bright, like-minded individuals to help find, create, and evaluate investment and planning strategies – and Michael Kitces is no exemption. As our Head of Planning Strategy, Kitces explemplifiues our strategic approach, and has helped shape the Focus Partners Wealth experience.

The ideal fit.

Focus Partners extensive wealth management services are ideal for individuals and families with significant investable assets. It’s these clients who will have the most optimal experience with our fiduciary and highly collaborative approach.


The prowess of our process.

Our three-step process – Design|Build|Protect™ – keeps your values, needs and concerns at the forefront of everything we do and ensures we deliver a better wealth management experience.

  • Step 1: Design Process

    By discovering, and continually rediscovering, your ever-changing values, goals and challenges, we ensure your personal and financial priorities align. Starting from where you’d like to go allows us to ensure every step we take brings you closer to where you’d like to be.

  • Step 2: Build Process

    Next, we’ll create and continually evolve a plan to get you there. It’s a comprehensive approach which employs the resources and strength of our entire team as we co-plan your financial future together and work toward fulfilling your more granular goals like debt optimization, education funding and long-term care.

  • Step 3: Protect Process

    Life isn’t linear, and neither is any effective investment strategy. That’s exactly why we continually and proactively educate our clients on how changes in the markets, economy and tax legislation can improve their overall plan. Because as your goals and values change, our strategies and advice should as well.

All about you. All the time.

  • Net Worth Development

    Take an expansive approach to financial planning by focusing on the drivers that contribute most to your long-term financial well-being.

  • Retirement Planning

    Work to ensure the retirement you want by skillfully planning all aspects of your future financial resources to align with your desired lifestyle.

  • Tax Planning

    Shape your financial picture with smarter, more tax-efficient strategies.

  • Estate & Trust Planning

    Safeguard your financial resources to ensure the legacy and impact you wish to have on future generations.

  • Business Owner Planning

    Enhance and integrate the value and capability of your business or professional practice.

  • Charitable Giving

    Support causes that align with your values while better positioning your financial future.

  • Investment Planning

    Benefit from a portfolio based on a diversified approach to investing.

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